List of available Health and Safety Courses in Southampton, UK. The Health and Safety courses in Southampton are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Health and Safety Courses from all over UK.
Over the years, we have delivered numerous gas engineer courses at every level, but we have often seen candidates struggle to earn the more advanced gas qualifications because they don’t have the basic knowledge to build upon.
Fire Marshal course training is offered by Solent Fire Safety Services for all skill level. All of our fire safety training courses are Certificated and designed around your specific risk if required.
This course is essential for building maintenance personnel, including plumbers and electricians, demolition contractors and any other trades that could come into contact with ACMs (Asbestos Containing Material) as part of their work.
This qualification is suitable for all employees to raise their awareness of the risks of unsafe manual handling practices and for people who might have to carry out manual handling as part of their job, e.g. handling deliveries, parcels and boxes.
This 5 day Basic Safety Training course is aimed at anyone wishing to work at sea, whether on a commercial vessel, super or mega yacht, work boats, ferries, cruise liners, offshore etc.
The employees who are designated to undertake the role of Fire Marshal or Warden will need to complete a more advanced course, incorporating all of the aforementioned training, but also a great deal more.
Fire Warden course training is offered by Redline Safety for all skill level. We can ensure you receive the best training possible, either through ourselves or one of our many training partners.
All businesses need trained fire wardens, and who could be better train them than experts with real ‘front line’ emergency experience? 3SFire trainers are committed to delivering the best and latest in safety training that to keep your business and your people safe.
Fire Safety course training is offered by BBFS for all skill level. From fighting fires on the front line, to helping others prevent them. 30 years experience speaks for itself.
Gives delegates an understanding of how an extinguisher works. Increases confidence in handling the weight, action and noise of a fire extinguisher. Real flame experience where circumstances permit with a safe, propane filled training rig.
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