List of available IT Training Courses in Cupertino, USA - Page 2.

The IT Training courses in Cupertino are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Bay Coding Club, Cupertino
  2. De Anza College, Cupertino

Also, check out all IT Training Courses from all over USA.

24 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Cupertino, USA

Bay Coding Club Logo


In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Javascript, one of the most popular and flexible programming languages on the internet! Through the variety of projects and coding challenges the course provides, students will have plenty of fun trying to solve the problems posed by each topic!

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Bay Coding Club Logo


Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering and science that includes mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering, computer science, and others.

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Bay Coding Club Logo

2D Game Design With PyGame

2D Game Design with Python Pygame use the real Python Pygame editor. Students needs to typing every words. This course is suitable for the kids over 10 years old and have basic Python knowledge.

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Bay Coding Club Logo

Java Programming

For students who has basic knowledge of Java. This course mainly covers the testing skills of AP Computer Science A. In order for students to succeed in this exam, this lesson will give students a more systematic understanding of AP Test.

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Bay Coding Club Logo

Java For Kids

This is a hands-on instructor led course.  At the beginning, we will focus on introducing students to the fundamentals of Java, focusing on variable types, conditionals, loops, methods, and arrays. Learn what are object-oriented programming, covering classes & objects, subclasses, and inheritance.

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Bay Coding Club Logo


Learn Python in a fun way! Students will learn how to program using Python by understanding and practically applying python syntax, variables, data types, and operators. Students will be able to apply problem solving skills and using control structures.

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De Anza College Logo


This Certificate of Achievement prepares students to become Enterprise Security Technicians in a networking environment. In this program, students learn network security basics, security policies and procedures, network monitoring, and risk analysis and assessment based on network security.

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De Anza College Logo

Programming in C/C++

The C/C++ Certificate of Achievement prepares students for entry-level employment in computer programming, software testing and integration, software analysis or algorithm design.

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De Anza College Logo

Programming in Java

This Certificate of Achievement gives students the knowledge and skills necessary to develop client/server, web and mobile environments. Organizations running networks on private and public clouds which pass information among desktop, servers and mobile devices

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De Anza College Logo

Programming in Python

Python is best known for applications in data analytics and big data processing. Python is also popular in many other software application fields, including graphics, database, network programming, game development, embedded systems, and web and internet development.

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Showing Courses 11 - 20

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