List of available Mergers & Acquisitions Courses in New York, USA.

The Mergers & Acquisitions courses in New York are provided by the following institutes:

  1. NYIF (New York Institute of Finance), New York
  2. Columbia Business School, New York
  3. NYU School Of Professional Studies, New York
  4. NYLS (New York Law School), New York

Also, check out all Mergers & Acquisitions Courses from all over USA.

4 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in New York, USA

NYIF (New York Institute of Finance) Logo

Mergers & Acquisitions

This introductory level curriculum walks students step-by-step through the M&A process. The curriculum identifies the types of corporations most likely to be M&A players and the types of corporations most likely to be M&A targets.

Cheapest by NYIF (New York Institute of Finance) [ Claim Listing ]
Columbia Business School Logo

Mergers & Acquisitions

This course is designed to be an applications oriented course and will draw heavily upon real world change of control case studies. The course builds on the prior courses in corporate finance.

Cheapest by Columbia Business School [ Claim Listing ]
NYU School Of Professional Studies Logo

Mergers and Acquisitions

The intensive course presents the basis for decision-making applications in mergers, acquisitions, and restructuring. The goal is to develop a critical understanding of essential elements and criteria in connection to M&A in a real-world environment through guided lectures, case studies,

Cheapest by NYU School Of Professional Studies [ Claim Listing ]
NYLS (New York Law School) Logo

Mergers and Acquisitions

This course considers the substance, form, and mechanics of corporate mergers, acquisitions, and reorganizations. It explores generally the tax, SEC, accounting, and successor liability considerations that apply to such transactions.

Cheapest by NYLS (New York Law School) [ Claim Listing ]
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