List of available Occupational Health & Safety Courses in New York, USA.
The Occupational Health & Safety courses in New York are provided by the following institutes:
Also, check out all Occupational Health & Safety Courses from all over USA.
Disaster-Preparedness Management training is offered by Cohen and Klein Consulting. Cohen & Klein Consulting, Inc. has recognized the growing need for various customized education and training in the U.S. and abroad.
This course is provided to students to educate them on how to avoid accidents and injuries related to roofs, facades, ladders or scaffolding, thus defining the regulations and rules associated with fall hazards on construction sites.
The 10-Hour OSHA course provides training for workers and employers on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in workplaces in general industry. Attendees learn how to prevent accidents and injuries and OSHA General Industry Standards specific.
NYST is an authorized provider of NYC DOB safety courses. We offer the 40-hour Site Safety manager course at our Brooklyn Training Center. This course is a required part of the application for a license as a NYC Site Safety Manager.
This course provides construction employers and employees with information on recognizing potential fall hazards at their worksites and suggests ways to avoid, minimize, control or prevent the hazards whenever possible.
This course is designed for those individuals who will be supervising, monitoring, or entering a confined space. It is designed to bring awareness to workers of the hazards that exist when entering/exiting and working in a confined space.
This course explores the actions required of Fire and Life Safety Directors (FLSD) when emergencies other fires occur in the built environment in the City of New York.
At Tribune Training Academy, we understand the importance of safety in the construction industry. Our In-Person OSHA 30 Construction Course is designed to empower you and your team with the knowledge and skills required to create a safer, more compliant work environment.
???????This 4 hour scaffolding class will introduce the elements of supported scaffold safety and common supported scaffolds hazards while placing an emphasis on hazard reduction and prevention which includes fall protection, scaffold inspections, hazard recognition.
This training course is intended for experienced workers who will erect, dismantle modify or repair supported scaffolds over 40 feet, safety managers, construction superintendents and students who just want to learn more about supported scaffold safety.
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