List of available Pizza Making Classes in San Antonio, USA. The Pizza Making courses in San Antonio are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Pizza Making Classes from all over USA.
Bring the family along to learn how to mix a foolproof dough that makes more than just pies. We’ll learn to shape pizza knots and practice filling and folding a sausage calzone.
Dedicate an evening to perfecting your prowess with pizzas. You'll make the dough; roll and top it; and then bake it off in our outdoor, wood-fired oven. Plan to enjoy a little time on our outdoor patio sampling a variety of pizzas that you've made by hand and to your taste.
Learn to make pizza and ricotta cheese from scratch in this fun and delicious class. We will go through the steps to making the perfect pizza dough and then use our creation in several different ways. We will also see how easy it is to make ricotta cheese and enjoy the perks of our labor.
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