Chinese cuisine is one of the most unusual cuisines in the world. Chinese cuisine consist of specific ingredients and is notable for the usage of vegetables, fruits and mainly seafood.
Chinese cuisine is one of the most unusual cuisines in the world. Chinese cuisine consist of specific ingredients and is notable for the usage of vegetables, fruits and mainly seafood.
The traditional dishes are prevailed by the savoury food, dishes with a keen relish along with a spicy seasoning and a huge range of sauces.
Chinese food is likely to strike with its variety. This cuisine meets the requirements of presentable appearance, pleasant flavour and an inimitable taste.
Chinese cuisine is separated by regions that is Shandong, Szechuan and Canton which is notable for its cooking methods. Join our Chinese cooking course to know more about this cuisine and spice up your kitchen skills.
Course Content:
Manchow Soup
Veg Fried Rice
Veg Manchurian
American Chopsuey
Chilli Chicken/ Paneer
Exotic Vegetable Stir Fry
Celery With Chicken/Paneer
Schezwan Sauce
Hot And Crispy Lotus Stem
Chilli Vinegar
Fresh Cucumber Pickle
Chinese Salad Or Kimchi
Mahek’s Atelier has all for you. Whether you are a novice or pro at kitchen, you can choose from a list of over 60 courses in Culinary, Bakery and Confectionery. Our veteran chefs and Mahek herself mentor all the courses. Adding to this, our mesmeric ambience instills a feeling of luxury, imbibing the best epicurean skills at the same time.
Mahek, being an immense food lover, graduated from her hobby to passion, from to Mahek’s Atelier. She has conducted more than 3000 training classes and imparted her skills to more than 2000 students over 13 years. Now it’s your turn to learn the culinary delights from Mahek’s Atelier!!
Enroll in our cookery course in Mumbai!
Chinese Cooking course is offered by Shini's Institute Of Culinary Arts.
Chinese Veg/Non-Veg Course is Offered by Sumeru Creations.
Reema’s Swad Cooking Classes schedules awesome Vegetarian Chinese Cuisine classes.
Chinese (21 Recipes) is offered by Yummy Cooking
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