Two hours ‘classroom’ instruction + two hours hands-on in the field (4 hours total instruction in one session) – a great way to get started in understanding how your camera works and the fundamentals of great photography. Includes reference materials.
Two hours ‘classroom’ instruction + two hours hands-on in the field (4 hours total instruction in one session) – a great way to get started in understanding how your camera works and the fundamentals of great photography. Includes reference materials.
Wouldn’t you rather spend your time out shooting than trying to figure things out on your own? Private training can be done in-person (greater Portland OR area) or online anywhere in the world.
In this beginning workshop, students will learn all the controls and functions on their digital Single Lens Reflex (SLR) cameras, basic camera operation (including f-stop, shutter speed and ISO), fundamental concepts of photography, and how to control the photograph’s final look.
Understanding basic photography camera controls and functions to make more creative decisions. Train your eye to see stronger composition to have your photographs stand out from everyone else’s images.
Classes have been designed to combine hands-on, practical learning with inspirational insights around the broader themes of Photography.
Each Composition in the Field class begins with a talk with one of our experienced instructors, and then you and your fellow students take a stroll through one of a variety of photogenic locales (in any of the 20+ cities the DPA encapsulates).
After 20 years of offering Photography workshops, we have never produced one workshop with similar outcome, there is no exact science in how we do things but what remains consistent in our Photography classes are the specific instructions in perfect lighting.
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