The Flow-tography method helps you take your photos from like to love. You experience an immediate flash of recognition as your inner and outer life experience connect and you click the shutter.
The Flow-tography method helps you take your photos from like to love. You experience an immediate flash of recognition as your inner and outer life experience connect and you click the shutter.
It all starts from an inner stance of stillness and results in an image that will be a joy forever.
You are invited to discover a playful path to mindfulness through photography. Flow-tography offers a way to see more deeply. Go beyond the obvious to the more subtle, intimate visual qualities of your life.
It is not just about "getting the shot", it is about experiencing the moments of life that make us feel awake, alive and creative. All it requires is our full attention and slowing down to be still, from the inside out. You need to compose your self before you compose the shot.
Have you ever experienced a moment when time stood still, there was an intensity and clarity outside of ordinary experience? And in that moment did you see something that made you stop in your tracks, that took your breath away? And then were you amazed to realize it was just a blade of grass, or a leaf falling from a tree? You were in the zone, or what is know as the Flow State.
Over the past 20 years I have develop some simple practices that will help you enter this state by choice rather than by chance and to create images that express the essence of this experience while you are in it.
Sounds impossible? Join us to discover how easy it really is. It is all about being and seeing.
In this introductory session I will cover the basics of this approach. Then we will PLAY with some of the practices for connecting to beauty in nature in the Flow.
I will introduce 3 Flow-tography techniques you can use right away. We will take photos during the class so you can experiment with this contemplative method immediately and feel the difference between taking a snapshot, and creating a photograph.
The images created through this process feel very different. They are like getting a glimpse of a secret world the exists around us all the time but only reveals its self to those who are paying attention.
Some of the outcomes of this method:
For the Curious Soul, the world is our school, life offers lessons, and beauty is our guide. Take your photos from like to LOVE. Discover the beauty of Boston, New England and the World with us.
We think it should be fun and easy to take your photos from like to LOVE. With that goal in mind, we offer a range of non technical programs for beginner and intermediate photographers like you to help you create better pictures.
Four hour classes, one day workshop, and weekend retreats are just a sample of what we offer. The programs are face to face in New England but also in Asia and Europe and other US locations.
The Curious Soul Photo School is based in Boston at the Boston Center for the Arts in the South End. We go on fabulous field trips every month so check the schedule for upcoming events.
But this is only part of the story. We see photography as a path to creative self discovery that reconnects us to the beauty and joy of life. The Curious Soul Photo School is founded on the philosophy that BEAUTY is essential.
That experiencing and photographing the beauty of life is good for our health and well being. It reduces stress, increases engagement, and basically makes us feel more alive to create something of beauty though images.
We have discovered this has little to do with fancy cameras or technical skills, and every thing to do with creativity, design, and mindfulness. It is a way of being.
If you are ready to learn how to take better photos, but you don't want to get bogged down with all the technical stuff, then you're going to love our approach. Explore the website, read about the unique approach called Flow-tography, and if you feel it is right for you, join us.
A goal without a plan is just a wish. Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
In this beginning workshop, students will learn all the controls and functions on their digital Single Lens Reflex (SLR) cameras, basic camera operation (including f-stop, shutter speed and ISO), fundamental concepts of photography, and how to control the photograph’s final look.
Understanding basic photography camera controls and functions to make more creative decisions. Train your eye to see stronger composition to have your photographs stand out from everyone else’s images.
Classes have been designed to combine hands-on, practical learning with inspirational insights around the broader themes of Photography.
Each Composition in the Field class begins with a talk with one of our experienced instructors, and then you and your fellow students take a stroll through one of a variety of photogenic locales (in any of the 20+ cities the DPA encapsulates).
After 20 years of offering Photography workshops, we have never produced one workshop with similar outcome, there is no exact science in how we do things but what remains consistent in our Photography classes are the specific instructions in perfect lighting.
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