Food Handler Training And Certification Products

by Safe Food Systems Claim Listing

Florida requires all food service employees to be trained on proper food handling and hygiene practices every three years. (this is in addition to their assigned duties) . That all foodservice employees must receive their certification within 60 days of employment.

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Food Handler Training And Certification Products:

  • Florida requires all food service employees to be trained on proper food handling and hygiene practices every three years. (this is in addition to their assigned duties) .

  • That all foodservice employees must receive their certification within 60 days of employment.

  • Training must be presented by a Certified Professional Food Manager

  • Section 509.409, F.S. State of Florida Provider #1519600; State of Illinois Program Approval #14-049?.


Custom Options Available:

Don't over pay for your Food Handler training. Safe Food Systems can train your Food Handlers at your location or in our Fort Lauderdale, Florida based training campus.  Call us today at (954) 564-8993 or (866) 564-8993 for your custom quote.   We can train and certify one food handler or many!  We are your trusted partner.

Food Handler Training Book or DVD Video Kit?

When you purchase the Safe Food Systems Food Safety First! food handler training kit or book, you may reproduce the quizzes, training logs, handouts, and workbooks and train and certify your staff yourself (this option requires a CPFM and onsite PIC). Depending on your business size you can save thousands of dollars with our training kit. 

The Safe Food Systems Food Safety First! is convenient because it is designed for in-house training and certificates are signed by your Certified Professional Food Manager. Certificates are available directly from us in single and multi-employee packages.

The Food Safety First! The DVD training program was created by Drexel University and Safe Food Systems, Inc.? to provide you as a food service proprietor with an effective tool for maintaining sanitary conditions in your place of business.

It will teach proper refrigeration, freezing, cooking, and reheating methods to prevent loss due to food spoilage and it will provide assistance in complying with governmental regulations, whether they are federal, state, or local regarding cleanliness, storage, cooking and training procedures in the industry. 


Training Dvd Video Kit:
Food Safety First!  is an economical food safety DVD training system designed for introducing new employees to the proper care necessary for safety in the food industry.  

Five modules in both English and Spanish are included on one DVD.  Complete with a trainer's manual, reproducible handouts, tests, and a training log. By using this food safety training DVD system, you an affordability and easily train your entire staff.  Our new system will include a USB option as well as online access!

In 2001, Safe Food Systems had our  Food Safety First! program certified by the State of Florida for use as a third party provider of the required Food Handler Training. In 2010, we updated the videos to the 2009 FDA Food Code which is currently observed in Florida.

  • Fort Lauderdale Branch

    2206 NE 26th St, Fort Lauderdale, Miami

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