Learn/refine your negotiating skills with this informative and practical workshop
If you are looking for the most current information to get your company ready for upcoming bargaining, then this workshop is a must attend. It shows you how to plan, cost and design a strategy that allows you to deliver this in the shortest time possible.
Experienced and practicing negotiators, answer all your questions and share the Adelhelm formula for achieving success. This workshop is a practical, step by step guide for business, HR and Operations professionals requiring a better negotiating experience in the current economic disruptive ER scene.
We show you how to build your own fit for purpose strategy and business case, how to conduct and finalise the negotiations and then how to implement the new CA.
Includes a confidential analysis of your negotiating style and how to balance your team.
Our practical negotiating methods takes your team to a higher level and results in quality agreements, improved employee/management relationships and better overall work culture.
Key Topics Covered
Day 1
8:30am – 5:00pm
Day 2
8:30am – 5:00pm
Adelhelm New Zealand provides Kiwi businesses with a new way to conduct Employment and Industrial Relations.
Adelhelm New Zealand is led by Fred Adelhelm, closely supported by a team of associate senior consultants with experience across a wide range of business sectors
Our day-to-day practical advice, strategy development and implementation, and education programs will strengthen your management team, build confidence, and improve relationships with employees.
With globally acquired negotiating expertise we give the most current and to the point advice that delivers results.
Adelhelm de-mystifies negotiations and employment relations by implementing focused strategy, advising executives, coaching your management, and working with your employees and unions to improve productivity and thereby minimise disputes.
Adelhelm believes ongoing engagement with employees and unions improve overall employee relations as well as the collective agreement negotiation experience. 
Not only will our unique approach mitigate risk of dispute, Adelhelm New Zealand will develop strategies for you that enhance overall business performance.
Adelhelm New Zealand is the most accessible Employment and Industrial Relations consultancy in NZ which provides current advice and information management needs.
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