Our teachers are native speakers, brilliant Educators and are amazing at connecting with, and inspiring their students. Our pre-schooler programs are very ‘hands on’ and include many sensory elements to get the children engaged and speaking Spanish naturally.
Our teachers are native speakers, brilliant Educators and are amazing at connecting with, and inspiring their students.
Pre-Schooler Spanish
Lots of songs, rhymes and puppet play. Loads of active games – jumping/hopping, hiding/seeking and touching/feeling things. Our pre-schooler programs are very ‘hands on’ and include many sensory elements to get the children engaged and speaking Spanish naturally. We explicitly teach the following topics using a play-based methodology;
Basic Greetings; Numbers 1-20; Colours; eating and drinking; fruits, common animals (farm and zoo animals); body parts & clothing; the outdoors & environment; weather; transport; and movement/actions.
We explore many of the cultural elements of Spain including Tapas, the Flamenco, siestas, La Fiestas – the many Spanish festivals including the Day of the Dead celebrations in October, Gaudi art and architecture, using Euros for money, paella, and what Christmas and Easter is like for children living in Spain.
Primary Spanish Beginner
A 2-year rolling program including but not limited to: Basic Greetings; Numbers 1-50; Colours; Food, drinks & eating; Fruits; Vegetables; common animals; farm and zoo animals; body parts & clothing; the outdoors & environment; weather; transport; sport and movement. Learning about the different Italian regions. We explore many of the cultural elements of Italy including the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the canals of Venice, the many ruins of Rome, using Euros for shopping, gelato, pasta and pizzas, Italian art eg Michelangelo and Da Vinci, and what Christmas and Easter is like for children living in Italy.
Primary Spanish Intermediate
A 2-year rolling program including but not limited to: Basic Greetings; Numbers 1-50; Colours; Food, drinks & eating; Fruits; Vegetables; common animals; farm and zoo animals; body parts & clothing; the outdoors & environment; weather; transport; sport and movement. We explore many of the cultural elements of Spain including Tapas, the Flamenco, siestas, La Fiestas – the many Spanish festivals including the Day of the Dead celebrations in October, Gaudi art and architecture, using Euros for money, paella, and what Christmas and Easter is like for children living in Spain.
Primary Spanish Intermediate II
More grammar, more vocab and more practice. Building conversational fluency and increasing the complexity of the sentence structures and the types of conversations.
Manipulating numbers to do simple maths. Simple literacy exercises with writing activities in Spanish. Numbers 1-100, also larger numbers such as 1,000, 10,000 etc. Becoming proficient in telling the time.
We explore many of the cultural elements of Spain including Tapas, the Flamenco, siestas, La Fiestas – the many Spanish festivals including the Day of the Dead celebrations in October, Gaudi art and architecture, using Euros for money, paella, and what Christmas and Easter is like for children living in Spain.
Primary Spanish Advanced
Children must be either fluent in basic Spanish or have already done 5 years+ learning conversational Spanish. Building fluency in reading, writing and speaking Spanish.
Spanish maths, writing activities and conversational games.
My name is Sally-Anne Symes, and I created the Language Tree following nine years of teaching languages to young children across Australia. I truly believe that language can be spoken or read by anyone and I’m passionate about inspiring children to discover and use language a skill that offers connection, confidence and so much more.
Along with a team of highly skilled, specialist teachers, I ensure my vast industry experience delivers engaging programs to students in Bendigo and beyond. Here at the Language Tree, we provide FUN, play-based, immersion foreign language and Auslan programs for pre-schoolers, primary and secondary-aged children. We also provide literacy intervention programs that help children that are challenged by reading, learn to read!
The Language Tree programs build self-confidence, offer cognitive benefits, encourage an accurate accent and core vocabulary, show worldly differences and foster an appreciation for diversity.
This course is for anyone starting from scratch or who has a minimum knowledge but would like to start from zero to make sure to learn all the fundamentals.
?Dance the night away, visit the bull fights, taste a new variety of foods and meet wonderfully alive people. Let the Spanish language touch your life and add adventure and excitement.
Spanish is a global language spoken by approximately 500 million people across the world. Due to a steady history of migration from Spanish-speaking countries to Australia, Spanish remains an important community language throughout Australia.
Learn Spanish for everyday situations. We offer Spanish classes that are interactive, communicative and affordable. Step into one of IML’s online or on-campus classes, where you will learn from a qualified Spanish tutor and meet like-minded language students.
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