Bread, in its simplest form, is nothing more than flour, water, and yeast. Yet, for something so simple, bread can be one of the most exciting and complex things to come out of a bakeshop.
Bread, in its simplest form, is nothing more than flour, water, and yeast. Yet, for something so simple, bread can be one of the most exciting and complex things to come out of a bakeshop. Products produced can include breads, rolls, sweet rolls, and Danish pastry.
This course compares different yeast products, discusses the steps of yeast dough production, mixing, fermentation, and baking.
JNA Institute of Culinary Arts has provided quality training for the food service industry since 1988. From the standpoint of success stories, graduates from our first program are still employed in the food service industry in ever increasing areas of responsibility.
We encourage our graduates to stay in touch with us through their careers and come back to talk with our new students to help them through the hard times as they prepare for a lifetime of successful hospitality employment. Our graduates become part of our family.
With a strong concern for educational excellence and a proud record of job placement, the school maintains an excellent reputation among students, graduates, and employers throughout the Philadelphia area.
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