Institute for Capacity Development (ICD)

Claim Listing

2 Courses Offered

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ICD offers customised inhouse short courses to organanisations on a request basis. The courses are customised in terms of content, venue, timing and duration.

In-house training is a cost-effective approach for organisations that want to train six or more people offering the flexibility of choosing your own venue and timings and Tailoring the course to the needs of your organisation.

The courses can be delivered as in-house training on the premises of your organisation; you and your staff don’t have to come to us – instead our trainers will do the legwork and come to you, meeting your training needs at the source. In-house training courses will either be:

  • 'Off-the-shelf' – where a standard ICD course is delivered or
  • Tailored– where ICD will write a new course, according to the brief received from Clients.

We can run most of our advertised training courses as an in-house event, plus others that we do not currently offer on our open training programme.

  • Pretoria Branch

    3rd Floor, Hatfield Corner 1101 Burnett Street/Hilda Street, Hatfield, 0001, Pretoria

Courses offered by Institute for Capacity Development (ICD)


Adobe Acrobat 7

ICD offers customised inhouse short courses to organanisations on a request basis.

by Institute for Capacity Development (ICD)

Adobe Photoshop CS - Foundation

ICD offers customised inhouse short courses to organanisations on a request basis.

by Institute for Capacity Development (ICD)

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