LACC Extension (Los Angeles City College)

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14 Courses Offered

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LACC Extension (formerly Community Services) is a not-for-credit program that offers classes, workshops, seminars, clinics, field-trips and other offerings open to the community and supported by the fees paid by students attending each offering.

Whether you know us as "extension," "continuing education," "community education," or "lifelong learning," we represent a 3rd type of educational offerings community colleges in California can do besides classes "for-credit" (for degrees and certificates and with financial aid possible), or free, "noncredit" courses for basic skills development and career training.

In a nutshell, LACC Extension offers classes, events and other offerings for just about anyone in the community - old or young, resident or not, training for a career or just looking to have a good time. Our offerings are not-for-credit (no transcripts, degrees or CA Community College Certificate programs), and are supported by fees or donations/contributions. We're kind of like public TV or radio, but the education version!

We help folks learn a skill, try out new things and connect with LACC and their neighbors in an educational setting.

  • Los Angeles Branch

    855 N. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles

Courses offered by LACC Extension (Los Angeles City College)

LACC Extension (Los Angeles City College) Logo

Barista Training

The program will show how to use an espresso/cappuccino machine at a commercial level and will make you confident around coffee and equipment. 

by LACC Extension (Los Angeles City College) [Claim Listing ]
  • Price
  • Start Date
  • Duration
LACC Extension (Los Angeles City College) Logo

Adobe After Effects (Intro)

Welcome to After Effects, where you will create powerful animation and motion graphics! We will set up a composition in Photoshop to import into After Effects and begin animating!  

by LACC Extension (Los Angeles City College) [Claim Listing ]
LACC Extension (Los Angeles City College) Logo

Digital Video Editing- Level 2 with Adobe Premiere Pro

A non-beginners class. The student must be familiar with browsing, logging on, setting up project, editing, and exporting edited timeline platforms in Adobe Premiere. g edited timeline platforms in Adobe Premiere.

by LACC Extension (Los Angeles City College) [Claim Listing ]
LACC Extension (Los Angeles City College) Logo

Sewing Made Easy

Learn the basics of sewing! This class will cover both hand-sewing and machine-sewing techniques for practical use in everyday life. We’ll take a look at different types of stitches, as well as how to do minor repairs. You’ll even get to make your very own pillow! 

by LACC Extension (Los Angeles City College) [Claim Listing ]
LACC Extension (Los Angeles City College) Logo

Introduction To Special Effects Makeup

Create awesomely gruesome makeup effects in this hands-on special effects class! Learn to make realistic-looking cuts, gashes, scars, burns, bruises, wrinkles, and zombies! Safety, hygiene, and proper use of materials are also covered. Sign up and learn the techniques the pros use! 

by LACC Extension (Los Angeles City College) [Claim Listing ]

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