List of available Pizza Making Classes in Central, Singapore. The Pizza Making courses in Central are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Pizza Making Classes from all over Singapore.
The realisation of a good pizza is in its crust.
Master the art of making the famous Italian pizza. Kneed your own pizza dough and top it off with your favourite toppings with cheese.
Make your very own tomato based Kitty Pizza filled with stringy mozzarella and smoky pepperoni slices. These savoury kitty single serving pizzas make perfect snacks and for parties and picnics too!
Nothing beats the inviting smell of freshly handmade bread that fills up the entire house. Share the happiness with your family and friends by presenting them your own creation!
We believe there should be no compromise when it comes to quality.
You will be experiencing a fully hands-on class, get to use a long fermentation dough to understand which is the outcome to achieve and.
Finally, you will also learn how to bake your own pizza base so that you can create your very own pizza with personalized toppings. Meal times with your family will never be the same again!
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