List of available Accounting, Finance and Banking Courses in Germiston, South Africa. The Accounting, Finance and Banking courses in Germiston are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Accounting, Finance and Banking Courses from all over South Africa.
To obtain a National Certificate: A total of 7 subjects: 3 Fundamental and 4 Vocational subjects, of which 3 are compulsory and 1 is optional.
Accountancy & Finance is the language of business and those who do not understand it are significantly disadvantaged. In reality business finance has a few key concepts wrapped up in layers of unfamiliar technical jargon.
Forex Trading course is offered by Forex Academy (FX). We hold regular Refresher Courses (classroom or online) to help students to trade our systems correctly and profitably.
Managing money effectively makes the difference between managing a business well or managing it poorly. Mastering the information in this course is vital and will ensure the success of the business, by making relevant financial information available on time.
Asset Management course is offered by Integrated Corporate Skills Solutions. Our Training and Development unit focuses on offering human resource skills training and development interventions in Strategic, Tactical, Operational, HR and Compliance areas.
Financial Literacy course is offered by PM Skillshouse. We teach essential financial skills to middle / low income households, in a way that is relatable and easy to understand. We cover a wide range of financial management techniques in our training sessions.
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