List of available Robotics for Teens/Kids Courses in London, UK.

The Robotics for Teens/Kids courses in London are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Code Kids, London
  2. Prepare Robo, London
  3. Think Create Learn, London
  4. The London School of Mathematics and Programming, London
  5. Beyond Blocks, London
  6. Engineering 4 Kids, London
  7. London Robotics School, London
  8. AE-CodeKidz, London

Also, check out all Robotics for Teens/Kids Courses from all over UK.

10 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in London, UK

Code Kids Logo

Roblox Coding

This course is designed for late primary to secondary aged students who are looking to learn to code using a proper “grown-up” programming language.

Cheapest by Code Kids [ Claim Listing ]
Prepare Robo Logo

Workshops on Robotics

Our Workshops on Robotics are a perfect way for coding in class. Students will build robots using LEGO® MINDSTORMS® and code them using an easy to use graphical environment.

Cheapest by Prepare Robo [ Claim Listing ]
Think Create Learn Logo

Robotics Week: Design, Build, Automate

Five days of robotic activities. Build a remote-controlled robot powered by a Raspberry Pi computer. Then make the robot drive itself!.This challenging course does not use a kit but builds the robot from component parts and direct programming of controllers. Coding is in Python.

Cheapest by Think Create Learn [ Claim Listing ]
The London School of Mathematics and Programming Logo

Electronics and Robotics

The programming flexibility of TRIK allows children to use visual programming language as well as any professional language including C++, JAVA and Python, so pupils can start with the basics and go all the way up to professional tools.

Cheapest by The London School of Mathematics and Programming [ Claim Listing ]
Beyond Blocks Logo

Beyond Blocks LEGO Robotics Holiday camps

Build LEGO Robots in pairs and learn to program them to bring them alive!

by Beyond Blocks
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Engineering 4 Kids Logo

After School Clubs: Robotics and Coding for Young Engineers

Welcome to Engineering 4 Kids Limited! Our after-school clubs provide a fun and educational environment for children in Years 3 to 8. We specialize in teaching robotics and coding through hands-on activities with VEX IQ Robotics.

by Engineering 4 Kids
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London Robotics School Logo

Robotics. Block-based coding

Welcome to our introductory course on robotics and block-based coding, specifically designed for beginners. In this course, you will explore the fundamentals of robotics, electronics, and programming using mBlock, a user-friendly block-based coding platform.

Cheapest by London Robotics School [ Claim Listing ]
AE-CodeKidz Logo


The Robotics for Beginner program is suited for those who are looking to learn EV-3 programming and Learn how to make your robot move straight, turn, repeat actions, choose between actions and follow lines.

Cheapest by AE-CodeKidz [ Claim Listing ]
Showing Courses 1 - 10

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