List of available Health and Safety Courses in Dallas, USA - Page 5.

The Health and Safety courses in Dallas are provided by the following institutes:

  1. APS FireCo, Dallas
  2. ESC Safety Consultants, Dallas

Also, check out all Health and Safety Courses from all over USA.

200 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Dallas, USA

APS FireCo Logo


It is imperative that your company and employees know how to operate the installed fire protection system, and are prepared in the event of a fire to evacuate safely.

Cheapest by APS FireCo [ Claim Listing ]
APS FireCo Logo

Fire Extinguishers

APS FireCo can provide you with both hand portable and wheeled fire extinguisher units to meet any application you may have. You should, however, choose your fire extinguisher carefully.

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ESC Safety Consultants Logo

Lockout / Tagout

Control of hazardous energy commonly referred to as lockout/tagout is a strictly enforced OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1926.417. One of the key aspects of the regulation is the training of all authorized employees (those using the procedure to perform lockout/tagout work).

Cheapest by ESC Safety Consultants [ Claim Listing ]
ESC Safety Consultants Logo

Flagger Control

This course is designed to train the flagger with the procedures needed to safely control the flow of traffic around a construction site, but emphasizes the vigilant and protective attitude flaggers should have as they protect the lives of motorist and workers.

Cheapest by ESC Safety Consultants [ Claim Listing ]
ESC Safety Consultants Logo

Forklift Training

In this course, ESC will train the student in the skills needed to safely operate a standard gas, propane, or electric forklift.

Cheapest by ESC Safety Consultants [ Claim Listing ]
ESC Safety Consultants Logo

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Hardhats, safety glasses, and protective gloves are just some forms of personal protective equipment that are used daily by employees in different industries.

Cheapest by ESC Safety Consultants [ Claim Listing ]
ESC Safety Consultants Logo

Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

One of the most commonly used tools to determine how to safely perform a task or job is the Job Safety Analysis (JSA). This tool allows an individual to easily review job methods to uncover hazards.

Cheapest by ESC Safety Consultants [ Claim Listing ]
ESC Safety Consultants Logo

Trenching & Excavation

This is a Competent Person certification. Trenching & Excavation is some of the most dangerous work in the construction industry, but can be safe with some basic training. Each trenching or excavation work site has to have an individual who is a competent person.

Cheapest by ESC Safety Consultants [ Claim Listing ]
ESC Safety Consultants Logo

Work Zone Safety

Work zones can be dangerous and improper traffic control can lead to accidents, injuries and lawsuits. This 8 hour course incorporates current traffic control standards issued by TxDOT and is oriented to field personnel. It includes workshop problems of typical construction activities.

Cheapest by ESC Safety Consultants [ Claim Listing ]
ESC Safety Consultants Logo

Electrical Safety

One of the most common sources for injuries and fatalities in the construction industry is due to electrical hazards. OSHA regulations 29 CFR 1910.332 requires this type of training for all individuals who work in close proximity to energized electrical parts.

Cheapest by ESC Safety Consultants [ Claim Listing ]

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