List of available Woodworking & Carpentry Courses in Philadelphia, USA.

The Woodworking & Carpentry courses in Philadelphia are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Fleisher, Philadelphia
  2. Philadelphia Woodworks, Philadelphia
  3. ML Woodworking, Philadelphia
  4. Philadelphia Furniture Workshop, Philadelphia
  5. Orleans Technical College, Philadelphia
  6. NextFab, Philadelphia

Also, check out all Woodworking & Carpentry Courses from all over USA.

6 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Philadelphia, USA

Fleisher Logo

Woodcut Printmaking

This course will provide an introduction to woodcut printmaking. Fundamental relief techniques will introduce you to the tools and methods needed to allow you to carve and print from your own relief woodblocks.

Cheapest by Fleisher [ Claim Listing ]
Philadelphia Woodworks Logo

Kids After-School Woodworking

Our series of safe, fun and educational projects will be perfect to help children expand their understanding of hands-on crafts and to develop confidence with basic woodworking tools.

by Philadelphia Woodworks [ Claim Listing ]
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ML Woodworking Logo

Plant Stand Class

Starting with rough hewn boards, students move through all the main machines in the shop. We cover jointing, planing and spend a good amount of time on the table saw.

by ML Woodworking [ Claim Listing ]
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Philadelphia Furniture Workshop Logo

Woodworking (Basic Skills Course)

A weekly evening class, our Basic Skills Course is designed to provide a strong foundation for beginners, helping build excellent fundamental woodworking skills.

by Philadelphia Furniture Workshop [ Claim Listing ]
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Orleans Technical College Logo


Orleans Tech’s Carpentry students learn hands-on new construction skills. They build a house to scale in order to learn framing, drywall, rough and fine finishing, siding, shingled roofing, and door and window installation. Students construct a full size deck and staircase. Training includes blue...

Cheapest by Orleans Technical College [ Claim Listing ]

NextFab Logo

Make a Lamp: Lighting Design and Woodworking

Lighting is an exciting product category, with the opportunity to play with color, shadow, and form. In this series, working through a pre-designed object, you will learn the basics of wiring LED lights to play with the RGB color spectrum. 

by NextFab [ Claim Listing ]
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Showing Courses 1 - 6

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