List of available Health and Safety Courses in Townsville, Australia. The Health and Safety courses in Townsville are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Health and Safety Courses from all over Australia.
This course covers essential skills and knowledge relating to firearms legislation, firearms in the community, licensing requirements, safe handling, safe storage and transport as well as a range of additional information that is essential for all shooters.
Creating a safety-first culture in an organisation is imperative. In order to promote the wellness of both employees and employers, health and safety is a key factor for all industries.
Food Safety Supervision Skill Set course is offered by Aurora Training Institute. This short course is delivered in a classroom setting at our Toowoomba campus.
Operators may also be required to wear breathing apparatus in emergency situations, however, this is not the prime focus of this unit. This unit of competency applies to an individual working alone or as part of a team or group and working in liaison with other shift team members and the control
This training course will enable new and current Safety Committee Members to identify and implement the legislative functions of the Committee, and will provide them with the skills and understanding to contribute
Demonstrate First Attack Firefighting Equipment course is offered by Get set Safety And Emergency Training.
Low voltage rescue (LVR) training provides your people with the skills and knowledge they need to perform a rescue from a live or potentially live low voltage panel (defined as less than 1000V AC or 1500V DC).
Fire Safety training is a crucial element in your defence against the threat of fire. Once you have your fire protection equipment in place, you cannot risk overlooking the need for training staff who would be first responders in the event of a fire.
Asbestos General Awareness Training (Non-Accredited) course is offered by Advanced Industry Training.
Operate Breathing Apparatus aims to provide candidates with the skills and knowledge required to operate and maintain breathing apparatus and equipment in an irrespirable atmosphere, as defined by the Australian Standard AS/NZS 1715:2009 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equi...
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