List of available Health and Safety Courses in Montreal, Canada. The Health and Safety courses in Montreal are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Health and Safety Courses from all over Canada.
Food Safety Training Courses is offered by Bureau Veritas North America, Inc.
People that work alone or that don’t have access to an emergency service need to be able to evacuate a hazardous work environment or be able to carry out a self-rescue following a fall. This course is particularly relevant for police, fire, and rescue services.
The lifting platform training (scissor lift) allows operators of all levels to master all the safety rules associated with these lifting devices.
Lifeguard course is offered by Lifesaving Society. The Lifesaving Society is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote safe interactions with water to prevent drowning and other injuries.
The complex offers a wide range of different programs for fun, stimulating activities, chosen to meet the needs and desires of all age groups.
Safely operate an overhead crane according with the basic safety principles.
This course is designed for both new and experienced operators covering theoretical and practical overhead crane principles. This company-specific training is conducted at the client location and instructs participants on the use of crane equipment at their facility.
The ISO 45001 Lead Auditor training provides the necessary expertise to carry out audits of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) by applying generally recognized auditing principles, procedures and techniques.
For Building Engineering, Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management and Environmental Engineering students, particularly if you will be doing a Summer 2023 internship and are currently job searching. It may also be relevant for Electrical Engineering students who are interested
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