Who in their right mind can say no to the irresistible taste of ice cream? Being one of my favorite snacks, we will admit that a carton of ice cream never stays in the fridge for more than a week. So why not make one instead of grabbing one from outside.
Who in their right mind can say no to the irresistible taste of ice cream? Being one of my favorite snacks, we will admit that a carton of ice cream never stays in the fridge for more than a week. So why not make one instead of grabbing one from outside.
We run a range of cookery classes teaching cuisines from across the world. Our unique approach to food through nutrition and spices. You will experience high quality and authentic Indian cookery Even if you already have some experience in cooking Indian food we are confidant there will be plenty to learn, and if you are a beginner we will make sure you have a solid foundation whilst making the class fun and relaxed.
We will demystify Indian cooking and by the end of a class, you will be ready to take on any good Indian cook! Besides the knowledge of authentic dishes you’ll have a lot more confidence with many other cookery techniques and short cuts in the kitchen to make life easier when cooking.
You’ll learn to cook a wide range of exciting dishes using fresh easy-to-buy ingredients with great nutritional value. You’ll also discover the many medicinal benefits of herbs and spices. If you’re bored and looking for inspiration there’s no need to start hauling out the recipe books or trawling the Internet as here at The Cooking Academy we’ve done all of the hard work for you.
Not only will we tantalise your taste buds and reinvigorate your midweek meals but as you’d expect the class is packed full of hints, tips and hacks plus ideas for repurposing leftovers and reinventing dishes with a few simple tweaks.
So whether you’re a seasoned cook looking to give your cooking a shot in the arm or a novice wanting to expand their horizons these classes are for you. We’re ready and waiting to fire your culinary imagination.
Frozen Desserts & Ice-creams course Offered by Lavonne Academy of Baking Science and Pastry Arts
A soft, sweet frozen food made with milk, sugar and cream, typically flavoured with vanilla, fruit, or other ingredients. Ice cream has been a popular treat for hundreds of years.
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