Learn how to put the Thai in our nut-free Pad Thai, roll fresh summer rolls like a pro and create a dipping sauce that will leave you wanting more. Grab a friend, a bottle of wine and let’s enjoy a Tasty Thai culinary adventure together!
Who needs takeout! Join us as we create authentic Thai dishes with a TBK twist that will please your palate and impress your family and friends.
Learn how to put the Thai in our nut-free Pad Thai, roll fresh summer rolls like a pro and create a dipping sauce that will leave you wanting more. Grab a friend, a bottle of wine and let’s enjoy a Tasty Thai culinary adventure together!
Taste Buds Kitchen’s mission is to be the top culinary entertainment experience for kids, families and adults by engaging and delighting our budding chefs in the kitchen.
We support kids, families and food and strive to create a lifestyle around connecting, learning and growing in the culinary playground of the kitchen. Learn, laugh, cook.
This class touches on an array of culinary techniques and results in delicious dishes!
The flavors of Thai cuisine are deliciously unique, warming, and seductive. In this class we will mix old world techniques with new world flavors. Let Chef Mat take you on a culinary journey of the many regions of Thailand.
Thai Cooking class is offered by The Kitchen Nashville. All class registration fees are non-refundable. We encourage you to send someone in your place if you cannot attend a class.
Thai Cooking class is offered by Harvard Cookin' Girl.  We will teach you how to make great food out of simple ingredients with old world techniques.
Come celebrate the season with the flavors of Thailand. Get to know the special aromatic ingredients that contribute to the unique flavor of Thai food.
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