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2 Courses Offered

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We believe that when people invest their time in learning something new, they grow.

They reach for that promotion, or they apply for that job they felt underqualified for before, or they make that career change they’ve been thinking about. They feel more confident. More competent.

We’re proud that we’re able to help people grow and develop from the people they are now to the people they want to be.

We’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people find the perfect training course to help grow their strengths, develop their weaknesses and take control of their career.


Our Ambition

Our ambition is to see learning and development cemented as a core value in UK companies.

Our learning and development reports show that decreasing training budgets are still the biggest problem when it comes to personal career growth - and we want to tackle that.

That’s why it’s our mission to champion training, self-discovery and growth.

  • London Branch

    129 Wilton Road, London

Courses offered by


Giving and Receiving Feedback: In-House

One of the most under-rated skills of all time, the ability to give and receive feedback is a core skill required by everyone, especially those who have the responsibility for managing others.


The Human Resources (HR) 'Executive Mini-MBA'

The Human Resources (HR) 'Executive Mini-MBA' 1 week programme has been designed to give busy and experienced HR professionals the chance to learn more about the vital elements of the business model and how to link them to the role of HR in today's world.


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