Our project-based-no-examinations learning methodology makes sure real skills are being transferred from our practitioner-trainers to our students effectively, and that every student.
Who graduates from the programme not only knows how to execute, but also thoroughly enjoyed the process of completing all the classes over the period of 12 weeks*.
The objective of this photography diploma course is to provide a good understanding of the visual and technical skills necessary to pursue photography as a career In the chosen fields. This course will cover advanced composition, studio lighting, and portfolio presentation.
Learn about the ever-changing social media landscape and how you can use it to your advantage from personal branding to creating a social media marketing strategy for your company.
The Digital Marketing course offers a complete coverage of what it takes to become a successful digital marketer. What is digital marketing in today’s marketplace? Understanding Owned, Earned and Paid media.
The Copywriting course is a dynamic and highly collaborative class that gives students plenty of discussion and practice opportunities. Not only will they master the different techniques of copywriting, students will learn creative writing concepts that sell.
Our Content Creation & Marketing Professional Workshop teaches the important aspects of storytelling & content creation to build a strong content marketing campaign regardless of industry.
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