Sunbelt Imports

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3 Courses Offered

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We don’t just sell products here, we impart knowledge. If our customers don’t succeed then we don’t succeed either. With that mind set we’re always keeping things fresh by hosting on going courses that will set your business apart from your competitors.

Our classes include things such as latte art specialization, traditional barista skills in the realm of proper espresso extraction, frothing technique, equipment maintenance & even more specialized courses in gelato recipe customization and how to incorporate new trends into your café or restaurant.

  • Houston Branch

    15025 Kinghurst, Houston

Courses offered by Sunbelt Imports



Join us for an afternoon of coffee cupping as well as proper espresso extraction, milk frothing, nitro coffee, cold brew, slow pour and other trending topics to bring your coffee shop to the next level! 

by Sunbelt Imports

Holiday Drink Building

For our Holiday Drink Building class we will be going over 4 drinks that we’ve built to be added to your menu for the holiday season. The class will be led by Bryan Hibbard and Lindsey Villanueva.

by Sunbelt Imports

Cake Decorating Easter

Learn from the best. Sunbelt Imports is proud to present this demonstration where we are going to show how to use the versatile Bravo Trittico to create delicious, beautiful items. We will also touch on decorative techniques, glazing, and unique presentation styles.

by Sunbelt Imports

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