List of available Health and Safety Courses in Alberton, South Africa. The Health and Safety courses in Alberton are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Health and Safety Courses from all over South Africa.
The Health and Safety Risk Assessment Training Course has been aligned to registered unit standards. You will be assessed against the outcomes of the unit standards by completing a knowledge assignment that covers the essential embedded knowledge stipulated in the unit standards.
The purpose of this programme is to enable learners to acquire competence in operating forklift trucks for the safe and efficient movement and stacking of freight in a variety of work environments, and take basic care of equipment in compliance with the manufacturer’s and legislative standards.
Confined Spaces course is offered by Safe-T-Con. Safe-T-Con’s vision is to supply cost effective, comprehensive, specialized safety training and development and to improve the knowledge of Employees to the benefit of the Employer.
Fire Fighting training is offered by Basadi OHS Training. Basadi OHS Training was founded in 2002, in 2016 Basadi OHS Training came under new ownership and is currently a 100% Black Female Empowered. The variety of courses in various sectors allows us to bring to you an array of worldclass training...
Fire Fighting (Basic & Advanced) training is offered by Lifting Operator Training Centre.Lifting Operator Training Centre is accredited with the Transport Education and Training Authority (TETA) our accreditation number is TETA04-252.
The Basic Firearm Training Course consists of a minimum 2 unit standards: (1) The Knowledge of the Firearms Control Act (Act 60 of 2000), and (2) at least one of the following: Handle & Use a Handgun, Handle & Use a Shotgun.
Persons who have been appointed as Emergency Planning and Evacuation Representatives. Delegates will understand the functions and responsibility of an Emergency Representative and will be able to discharge their obligations and tasks effectively.
Basic Fire Fighter training is offered by Makwakwa Training Centre.Makwakwa Training Centre provides excellent learning experience to many individual students and most welding and production organizations in the engineering sectors.
Welcome to our Health & Safety Representative Training program! We believe that a safe workplace is a fundamental right for every employee. Our comprehensive training equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to become effective Health & Safety Representatives.
The aim of the course is to provide learners with the necessary tools and skills to enable them to carry out baseline risk assessments in their workplace.
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