List of available Health and Safety Courses in Leicester, UK.

The Health and Safety courses in Leicester are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Bright Learning Centre, Leicester
  2. Kalu, Leicester
  3. 1st Choice Safety Training and Consultancy, Leicester
  4. Fireproof UK, Leicester
  5. EHS Global Tech, Leicester
  6. UK Safety, Leicester
  7. Fire Door Complete, Leicester
  8. Navitas Safety, Leicester
  9. Extinguish Fire Solutions, Leicester
  10. First Response First Aid Ltd, Leicester

Also, check out all Health and Safety Courses from all over UK.

141 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Leicester, UK

Bright Learning Centre Logo

Health & Safety in Workplace (Level 2)

Employers are responsible for providing safe and healthy workplace conditions by implementing safe systems of work. In order for these systems to function correctly, employees need to have the right knowledge, attitude and understanding of their own responsibilities towards health and safety.

Cheapest by Bright Learning Centre [ Claim Listing ]
Kalu Logo

Abrasive Wheel Training

This course will benefit you if you are to make contact with bonded abrasives (i.e. grinding wheels, cutting blades, cutting discs), or a manager who have employees that will come into contact.

Cheapest by Kalu [ Claim Listing ]
1st Choice Safety Training and Consultancy Logo

Fire Extinguisher Training

Our fire extinguisher courses are designed to give your staff an understanding of fire extinguishers, how to recognise them, what they are safe to be used on and what their limitations are.

Cheapest by 1st Choice Safety Training and Consultancy [ Claim Listing ]
Fireproof UK Logo

Fire Warden Training

Our Fire Warden Training session is perfect for employees who have been nominated as a fire warden during an emergency evacuation and for high risk premises.

Cheapest by Fireproof UK [ Claim Listing ]
EHS Global Tech Logo

Abrasive Wheels Safety

Abrasive Wheels Safety course training is offered by EHS Global Tech for all skill level. We understand all businesses are different. That's why personalised training development is crucial to any business. Your learners are guaranteed to improve their knowledge and skills with training.

Cheapest by EHS Global Tech [ Claim Listing ]
UK Safety Logo

Fire Warden Training

Fire Warden course training is offered by UK Safety for all skill level. All participants will be issued with a course booklet and an academy certificate of training.

Cheapest by UK Safety [ Claim Listing ]
Fire Door Complete Logo

Timber Fire Doors (Installation Training Module)

This training package is designed for those who have a caretaker role at a building. These delegates do not need to have technical fire door knowledge and skills, but will learn how to spot defects in fire doors and report them to the building manager.

by Fire Door Complete [ Claim Listing ]
  • Price
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Navitas Safety Logo

Food Hygiene Training

Food hygiene training to invest in your staff and implement a top-notch positive safety culture. Protect your brand and be proud of your teams!

Cheapest by Navitas Safety [ Claim Listing ]

Extinguish Fire Solutions Logo

Fire Safety Training

Our training packages benefit both the business and your employees who will come away with a significant amount of knowledge around the subject of fire safety.

Cheapest by Extinguish Fire Solutions [ Claim Listing ]
First Response First Aid Ltd Logo

Level 2 Award in Principles of HACCP

The  Level 2 Award in Principles of HACCP is designed for those working or preparing to work in food businesses where a food safety management system based on Codex HACCP principles is implemented.

Cheapest by First Response First Aid Ltd [ Claim Listing ]
Showing Courses 1 - 10

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