A basic knowledge of the legalities that underlie the world of commerce is therefore paramount. The aim of this course is to make South African law understandable and to answer common questions about the law in layman’s terms.
The law affects all of us, and even our most basic day-to-day decisions have legal implications. A basic knowledge of the legalities that underlie the world of commerce is therefore paramount. The aim of this course is to make South African law understandable and to answer common questions about the law in layman’s terms.
SACOB Short Courses are not accredited and are intended to offer you knowledge and skills in a particular field and is a non-credit bearing short course.
The law
The law of contract
Breach of contract
Remedies for breach of contract
Termination of contracts
The law of delict
Contract of sale
Credit agreements
Contract of lease
Contract of agency
Contract of partnership
Business entities
Contract of insurance
Contract of suretyship
Negotiable instruments
Contract of employment
Intellectual property and competition law
Environmental law
Revision questions
SACOB – the South African College of Business is a specialist business college offering professional qualifications and short courses to people wanting to embark on or revitalise their careers, by building and enhancing their business skills and knowledge. Our fields of study include Administration, Bookkeeping, Accounting, Business Management, Chartered Secretary, Entrepreneurship, Financial Analysis, Pastel, Tourism & Hospitality and Short Courses.
Our goal is to offer a learning experience that supports a student from start to successful completion of their course (s).
We achieve this by combining the benefits of distance learning and face-to-face education to bring you a specialized educational journey. We provide traditional education, through modern delivery.
As a student of SACOB you can expect interactivity, support, flexibility and cost-efficiency during your studies.
Traditional education, Modern delivery.
What makes our offering unique is that we overcome the challenges of distance learning by combining the interactivity and connection of face-to-face education with the flexibility and cost-saving of distance education.
Our hands-on approach is delivering results and that is what matters the most. Our students consistently rank in the Top 10 in professional body assessments. With online chat facilities, same day lecturer response, question and answer platforms, student support and career guidance from a dedicated student advisor, SACOB brings distance learning closer than ever.
The course in Contract Management is ideal if you seek to acquire the necessary practical skills in effectively managing and administrating contracts for goods and services.
This programme provides students with exposure to more in depth labour topics and a wide spectrum of substantive and procedural Labour Law, as well as a practical understanding in areas of industrial relations.
The focus of the course is on those aspects that feature most prominently in business. The course is strongly oriented towards developing insight and practical application through analysing actual cases and solving real-world problem scenarios.
A major portion of every organization’s operating cost is spent on outside goods and services. Based on this fact, executive management everywhere is determining that Managing Tenders, Specifications, and Contracts must emerge as a critical core competency if organizations are to increase revenue...
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