There is a common perception that Mexican food is both spicy and heavy, but in fact, true Mexican food has both a depth with its combination of savoury and earthy flavours- and a fresh lightness from its generous use of fresh herbs, vegetables and citrus
There is a common perception that Mexican food is both spicy and heavy, but in fact, true Mexican food has both a depth with its combination of savoury and earthy flavours- and a fresh lightness from its generous use of fresh herbs, vegetables and citrus.
Authentic Mexican food is vibrant, delicious, fresh and fun.
Menu (Subject to change):
Tasty but not Hot – topped with Tequila
We are an award winning Cooking Club, priding ourselves with over 8 years in the business of providing a wonderful experience.
Taste-Buds Cook Club was the brain child of Chef Angela who decided to exit the corporate world in favour of using her qualification from the Christina Martin School of Food and Wine to teach others the joys of cooking.
Classes are hands-on and interactive. Each lesson starts at 6.30pm and lasts about 3 hours. We cover 5-7 different recipes and we eat what we make.
Many people associate Mexican food with hot peppers and Chilli Con Carne.
On this course you’ll learn how to make fresh tortillas, Tacos, Nachos and a few other favourites that no Mexican can live without!
Mexican cuisine is one of the 5 truly distinctive world cuisines.
Mexican Cooking class is offered by Food Filosofia. The Cooking Classes are interactive and informal - the level of involvement and experience all depends on you. There are morning (lunch) and evening classes available, each class is approximately 3 hours.
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