Mexican food more than just about tacos, burritos and fajitas. Traditionally Mexican food is very healthy, using a variety of fresh vegetables such as tomato, capsicum, beans, onion and garlic to accompany fresh seafood and meats.
Mexican food more than just about tacos, burritos and fajitas. Traditionally Mexican food is very healthy, using a variety of fresh vegetables such as tomato, capsicum, beans, onion and garlic to accompany fresh seafood and meats.
This popular cuisine uses the freshest of ingredients and flavour combinations you might not have tasted before to create fun, fresh, healthy and flavoursome cuisine.
Who would have thought that chocolate goes with chicken?
Be guided and inspired by our Chef during this hands on and interactive class as you work in pairs to prepare an authentic and delicious Mexican feast! Then enjoy with your fellow participants while sipping on our fabulous freshly made fruit margaritas.
Sydney Cooking School opened in 2010 when Executive Chef Brett Deverall pursued his dream to share his love and passion of cooking in a fun and relaxed learning environment. Offering a range of cooking classes daily, our Neutral Bay venue is fitted with state of the art appliances and equipment from Fisher & Paykel, KitchenAid, Breville, Solidteknics, Furi and Anolon.
Our experienced and passionate team take pride in teaching practical, entertaining and informative cooking classes, team building events or hosting your next event or celebration. We offer something for everyone from the absolute beginner to the more passionate cook with many International cooking classes, barbecue classes, dessert & baking workshops , short courses and kids cooking classes throughout the school holidays.
We offer over 30 different cooking classes to suit all ability levels that are interesting, interactive and most of all fun! Please browse our range of classes such as International cuisines, BBQ classes, Dessert classes, specific skills , short courses, Kids classes and more!
All our cooking classes have been designed with the home cook in mind and are suitable for all ability levels. Our classes are kept small and personal so that everyone gets the most benefit out of their time at the class.
Forget nachos with cheese flavoured corn chips, this class will have you making real corn tortillas and other dishes such as a complex molé sauce and tamales with authentic Mexican ingredients.
Locally known as antojitos or ‘little cravings’ Mexican street food is the fast beating heart of one of the most vibrant and ancient cuisines on earth.
Mexican Cooking Classes are offered by Michelina Lawson Catering for all ages and skills. Enjoy a private cooking class in your own home with friends and family. After learning to cook your favourite dishes, you'll sit down and enjoy all of your creations.
The real deal Mexican class with Chef Genevieve Harris where you learn how to make your own tacos using traditional corn flour and your own Queso fresco cheese!!! Grilled corn seasoned with chilli and cayenne, drizzled with mayonnaise and queso fresco.
If you are after yummy comfort food, this workshop is perfect for you.
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