If you figured Thai food was all about fish sauce, chilli padi and lime juice, let us show you a different side to this cuisine.
If you figured Thai food was all about fish sauce, chilli padi and lime juice, let us show you a different side to this cuisine.
The ingredients may be exotic to some, but they all play an integral role in the dish to create layers of flavour.
We will talk about these ingredients and walk through the recipe together. Ultimately, you will cook and assemble the dishes and its results are truly gratifying. It is not difficult to create a Thai dish, merely, it's about understanding the balance of sweet, sour, salty and spicy.
Over the past decade, Palate Sensations Culinary School has helped countless home gourmands realise their dreams of becoming proficient cooks and professional chefs improve their culinary and baking skills. We have trained thousands of budding chefs and professional chefs, providing them the ability to delight their family, friends and clients through their biggest passion; cooking and baking.
A highly sought after and leading training centre in Singapore, we offer hands on cooking and baking classes for adults and children catering to all abilities and levels, studio rental facilities, corporate team building activities, private parties (birthdays, hen’s parties etc) and consulting services for businesses seeking proven expertise in the F&B industry.
Fusing the elements of several Southeast Asian cultures, Thai cooking is all about fresh flavours with aromatic ingredients and a good level of spice.
A truly authentic Thai menu that creates harmony between the 4 main elements of taste.
You are invited to choose a theme before the event: French, Japanese, Italian are always popular. We will provide the ingredients, from fresh meat to vegetables, sauces and oils, herbs and spices - everything you might need to whip up a delicious meal.
Finetuned the techniques to create these exquisite realistic miniature fruits & vegetables, once served to Thai royalty.
Miss travelling to Thailand for Thai food and exquisite desserts? Join our therapeutic Christmas Luk Chuk Mixed Fruits Tree workshop to add some festivity, creativity and fun to this Christmas Season!
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