List of available Health and Safety Courses in Birmingham, UK. The Health and Safety courses in Birmingham are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Health and Safety Courses from all over UK.
Over the years, we have delivered numerous gas engineer courses at every level, but we have often seen candidates struggle to earn the more advanced gas qualifications because they don’t have the basic knowledge to build upon.
Ensuring that your whole workforce is given effective training is important to keeping everyone safe in the event of a fire. As part of our extensive supply of fire safety training courses, City Fire Protection offer full fire warden training for nominated persons within your business.
At the end of the course will have gained understanding of: What is Asbestos What are the main types found in the UK How Asbestos causes harm
The course will teach delegates the importance of risk assessments, why they are needed and what individual elements make-up a risk assessment, their importance and the role they play.
The incident of allergies and allergic reactions have been increasing in the UK. Allergies can cause severe life threatening allergic reactions called Anaphylaxis.
Under UK Legislation the Responsible Person is required to include Fire Extinguisher Training within their Fire Safety Policy for all staff to ensure they have the knowledge needed to use a fire extinguisher safely and effectively should the need arise.
This course has been designed for all individuals within the workplace. It provides an understanding of fire safety to meet employers’ statutory training obligations under the current fire legislation.
Although asbestos is not an instant killer, many industrial and construction workers find that previous close proximity with asbestos has later lead to diseases/illness, often fatal.
This is aimed at all employees to assist them in identifying and reducing the risk that fire presents in the workplace. The structure of this content is in the form of a matrix with the following titles.
First Aid Executives offer the course option for both group and individual bookings. Our trainers are from experienced health and safety backgrounds – not just having a tick in a box and a teaching qualification.
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