List of available Food Safety Courses in Sheffield, UK. The Food Safety courses in Sheffield are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Food Safety Courses from all over UK.
This qualification is aimed at individuals working in a food manufacturing environment and those who are preparing to work in the industry.
In practice, this means that food handlers working in a variety of catering or retail outlets must be trained to level 2 in food safety/hygiene. Level 2 food safety training is the equivalent of the old basic food hygiene certificate.
Food Safety Training course is offered by SaFA Training & Consultancy Ltd . Our vision is to make quality affordable training available to all.
Food Safety Course is offered by Integra Quality Ltd. Everyone can learn something, and when we share best practice, we all stand to gain.
Whether you work in catering e.g. A kitchen assistant, cook/chef or work in food retail or are a health care worker or work in any setting that handles food, then from our selection of Food Safety courses, we can provide you with the important knowledge about the food safety and hygiene practices t...
Our QA Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering (RQF) is a nationally accredited qualification especially suitable for people working in, or planning to work in, the food retail industry, and complies with the training regulations.
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