List of available Pizza Making Classes in Austin, USA. The Pizza Making courses in Austin are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Pizza Making Classes from all over USA.
Bring the family along to learn how to mix a foolproof dough that makes more than just pies. We’ll learn to shape pizza knots and practice filling and folding a sausage calzone.
There are many types of pizza. In this class everyone will make two different doughs; one to make a traditional Chicago style deep dish pizza and the other to make a flat bread pizza and even a dessert pizza.
Dedicate an evening to perfecting your prowess with pizzas. You'll make the dough; roll and top it; and then bake it off in our outdoor, wood-fired oven. Plan to enjoy a little time on our outdoor patio sampling a variety of pizzas that you've made by hand and to your taste.
We assure you: mastering the yeast-risen dough for pizza and calzones is just the beginning. But then, pizza has always been considered a gateway food.
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