The Elementary Food and Health course has been independently rated on the Scottish Credit Qualifications Framework (SCQF) at Level 5 with 1 credit.
The Elementary Food and Health course has been independently rated on the Scottish Credit Qualifications Framework (SCQF) at Level 5 with 1 credit.
All objectives to be prefixed by the words: The expected outcome is that the course participant will be able to: Introduction
Relate to the needs and expectations of other course participants
Identify their current understanding of the relationship between food and health
An Introduction to Food and Health
Describe the value of having a balanced diet
Appraise food and health in Scotland
Explore their views on the consequences of eating habits on health
Describe the impact of diet on health
Record the influences on food choices in the completed food diary forms 1.6 Consider and list the barriers to eating a healthy diet
Food and Nutrients
Discuss the role of the Eatwell Guide
Identify each of the 5 food groups on the Eatwell Guide
Identify foods from each food group and the main nutrients they contain
Explain briefly the role of key nutrients from each food group
Outline the key recommendations for each food group
Discuss the importance of an adequate fluid intake
Be aware of fluid requirements and identify the best sources
Energy and Energy Balance
Describe the role of energy and how it is measured
Interpret the energy content of food and drinks
Contrast that different people have different energy needs
Explain energy balance and its influence on body weight
Discuss the effect of physical activity on energy balance and body weight
Influences on Food Intake
Recognise that certain groups have specific nutritional needs
Consider dietary requirements and the factors that influence them
Examine the role of food in long term conditions, e.g. diabetes
Compare the role of food in coeliac disease, food allergies and intolerances
Name the influences of life circumstances on dietary habit e.g. social, cultural and religious
Debate how food intake can affect food and psychological well-being, social relationships and self esteem
Eating for Health - Food and Well Being
Recall current dietary guidelines in Scotland and consider how they are important for health and wellbeing
Value the role of a balanced diet in the prevention of diet related diseases
Practice using the ‘Eatwell Guide’ model as a tool to guide and evaluate food choices
Demonstrate the use of the ‘Eatwell Guide’ model to review the completed food diary forms
Identify different ways of choosing, preparing and cooking foods for a healthy diet
Consider and discuss ways to make more sustainable choices and reduce food waste
Identify and assess the nutritional information on a food label
Action Planning, Revision and Exam
Further information
Action planning
Revision as required – course summary
The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland, often referred to as REHIS, was established in 1983 following the merger of the Royal Sanitary Association of Scotland (founded 1875) and the Scottish Institute of Environmental Health (founded 1973). The Institute was incorporated by Royal Charter in 2001.
The Institute is a registered Scottish charity No. SC009406.
The Institute awards the qualification which allows a person to practice as an Environmental Health Officer (EHO) in Scotland. Under the Royal Charter and Scheme of Continuing Professional Development it awards Chartered Environmental Health Officer status to eligible members.
The Institute is a long established awarding body in Scotland for a variety of REHIS qualifications, many of which have been independently credit rated on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).
The Institute is a founder Member of the International Federation of Environmental Health.
The objects for which the Institute is established, which are contained in its Royal Charter, are, for the benefit of the community to promote the advancement of Environmental Health by
stimulating general interest in and disseminating knowledge concerning Environmental Health;
promoting education and training in matters relating to Environmental Health;
maintaining, by examination or otherwise, high standards of professional practice and conduct on the part of Environmental Health Officers in Scotland.
Membership is open to all persons with an interest in Environmental Health in its widest sense.
The affairs of the Institute are managed by a Council, elected annually by members.
Incorporating lots of fresh vegetables, grains, and spices, creates amazing flavours. Adding indulgent textures merges these flavours into many, unique, Middle Eastern recipes. Richness from dried fruits and figs and a light and lifted citrus characters, really please the palate.
The classes will provide educational learning about all the lovely ingredients we use, different food groups, counting and weighing. We aim to encourage healthy habits for life. To the kitchen and beyond!
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The half day class will incorporate a main meal, a side dish, a staple (rice or bread), and cachumber (cucumber, tomato, and onion salad) or raita. The full day class will incorporate a starter, main meal, a side dish, a staple (rice or bread), cachumber (cucumber, tomato, and onion salad) or raita...
Our cookery courses in the East Midlands include a short demonstration followed by "hands-on" cooking with tutoring to your own specific requirements. Recipes and ingredients are all provided.
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