In many Asian cuisines, meat is considered to be merely a condiment rather than the main focus of a dish- instead the emphasis concentrates on amazing flavours and textures. So whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian or simply curious, our Veganasia one day cookery class is for you.
In many Asian cuisines, meat is considered to be merely a condiment rather than the main focus of a dish- instead the emphasis concentrates on amazing flavours and textures. So whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian or simply curious, our Veganasia one day cookery class is for you.
The Cooking Academy teaches people how to prepare and cook food from around the world in a professional, enthusiastic, creative and enjoyable way.
We are unique in our approach to cookery by putting ingredients and their beneficial health properties at the heart of everything we teach.
We run a wide range of publicly available classes, social events for families and groups of friends. We also have an extensive corporate client base for whom we provide team-building events as well as corporate entertainment & hospitality events.
Vegan Cookery Class Everybody is talking about vegan food right now. It’s good for your health, it’s good for the planet and it’s good for animals. But does it taste good? It certainly does. And how do you make sure you have a balanced diet? Easily, when you know the basics.
Our Vegan Cooking Classes are a sociable and fun experience while learning some vegan dinner party ideas, giving you that flare in the kitchen.
Delicacy Baingan Bharta (Smoked Aubergine) class is offered by Namaste Cookery School for all ages. The cookery class takes place on the fourth Sunday of every month and conducted by our Chef Dalsukh Jetani.
The Veggie Kitchen Beginners course is a Group based 8 week Vegetarian Cookery course. One class per week is run on the same day of the week the course starts on.
This class is ideal for vegans and vegetarians, or if you are looking for plant-based Japanese dishes, that do not compromise on flavour.
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