List of available Knife Skills Classes in Baltimore, USA.

The Knife Skills courses in Baltimore are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Baltimore Chef Shop, Baltimore
  2. Culinary Craft Workshop, Baltimore
  3. Schola, Baltimore
  4. Pierpoint Restaurant, Baltimore
  5. School of Food, Baltimore

Also, check out all Knife Skills Classes from all over USA.

5 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Baltimore, USA

Baltimore Chef Shop Logo

Knife Skills 101

In this class, we cover everything you need to know about knives and how to use them in the kitchen. We start by learning how to sharpen, hone, and properly hold this essential tool.

by Baltimore Chef Shop [ Claim Listing ]
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Culinary Craft Workshop Logo

Knife Skills

One of the most essential tools every Chef or home cook needs is a good knife. Are you utilizing your knives to their full potential? With the aid and instruction of our Chefs, the Knife Skills Workshop will teach these skills and how put them to practice kicking your cooking up a notch. 

Cheapest by Culinary Craft Workshop [ Claim Listing ]

Schola Logo

Knife Skills & Sharpening

The knife is the chef's most important tool! The class will start with a lecture about knives, how they're made, how to sharpen them and what the different types are used for. The class will then go to work practicing the basic cuts, large & small dice, batonettes,

by Schola [ Claim Listing ]
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Pierpoint Restaurant Logo

Knife Skills

Come learn the essentials of how to bone a chicken, cut meat, and filet fish. We will also cover basic use of different knives and classic vegetable cuts, as well as hot to sharpen knives.

Cheapest by Pierpoint Restaurant [ Claim Listing ]
School of Food Logo

Knife Skills

Once you got knife skills, you got life skills. Learn how to use the most important of chef tools and seriously transform your time in the kitchen. We cover the basics, from maintenance and form to the fundamental cuts you need to know.

Cheapest by School of Food [ Claim Listing ]
Showing Courses 1 - 5

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