List of available Undergraduate Degree Classes in Dallas, USA.
The Undergraduate Degree courses in Dallas are provided by the following institutes:
Also, check out all Undergraduate Degree Classes from all over USA.
Undergraduates in the School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology begin their coursework learning the foundations of computer animation, game studies, UX/UI design, motion graphics, digital fabrication, and media histories.
You can combine your love of art with the noble undertaking of teaching by pursuing a degree in art education through UNT's College of Visual Arts and Design
The apparel designer creates design ideas and implements them into patterns, muslin prototypes and finished garments. New style trends each season demand individual creative thinking to develop saleable designs.
The 120-credit computer game design program enables students to focus on the artistic components of computer game design while providing them with the technical skills prerequisite to the field.
The Real Estate B.B.A. has a 40-year track record of preparing graduates for opportunities in all areas of Real Estate including commercial and residential brokerage, leasing, residential property management, appraisal, investments, and mortgage/finance.
Economics is the study of how human communities provide for their material needs and wants. We explore what motivates human action and thus the choices of individuals, firms, and policymakers regarding production, consumption, and allocation of scarce resources and output. Institutions, policy, and
Information Technology remains one of the fastest-growing industries in America. A bachelor’s degree in IT from UNT Dallas opens doors to thousands of job opportunities in Dallas-Fort Worth and the world in nearly every industry from software development
Fulfill your goals by earning a degree in applied economics where you can you develop your knowledge of past economic trends and increase your skill in predicting future ones.
This program will provide an opportunity for students to explore the critical relationship of information technology to organizational strategy, resources, and effectiveness. Special emphasis is given to business application development through the study of information technology
Careers in Economics: In the private sector, economists use their understanding of economic relationships to help firms set prices, forecast growth and analyze the impact of government regulations and global economic trends.
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