List of available Bread Making Classes in Philadelphia, USA. The Bread Making courses in Philadelphia are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Bread Making Classes from all over USA.
Bread, in its simplest form, is nothing more than flour, water, and yeast. Yet, for something so simple, bread can be one of the most exciting and complex things to come out of a bakeshop.
Focaccia class is offered by Old City Kitchen. Bring together family and friends for an evening of food, education and entertainment at Old City Kitchen. Demonstration cooking, chef led dinners and culinary classes are the perfect way to celebrate, whether it is a special event.
Well, here it is! a Sports Bar food kind of night! and because there is baking and cooking involved – you will have 2 instructors! Javi in charge of the breads and Chef Shelby of the burgers and sauce.
In this baking class, Michal will walk guests through bread basics such as mixing, proofing, and shaping loaves. Michal will share how a home baker can emulate that restaurant-quality crustiness.
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