Cookies Making Classes are offered by Cooking With Shruthi for all skill levels. Shruti’s Cooking Class is an initiative to pass the art of quality. Cooking by organizing regular cooking classes.
Cookies Making Classes are offered by Cooking With Shruthi for all skill levels. Shruti’s Cooking Class is an initiative to pass the art of quality Cooking by organizing regular cooking classes.
We will cover below mention recipe:
Food skills education – practical education for individuals for particular classes taking tour to ingredients required making dishes in professional way. In classes giving hands on experience to individuals for preparing dishes in perfect manner, shaping up them as professional chefs in their classes for particular dishes.
Providing complete tour of ingredients for making dishes by giving perfect training to individual to cook as professional chefs. Explaination given in such a manner to individuals can understand easily to prepare dish in professional chefs and can suggest to friends about dishes.
The Art of Modern French Pastries: Level 1 and Level 2 with Chef Sanjana.
Everyday Bread course by The Classroom by La Folie. You will learn about fundamentals of bread baking, shaping, scoring and proofing it, the art of making and kneading bread dough & much more.
Savoury and Sweet Tarts: Level 1 and Level 2 by The Classroom by La Folie
Eggless Pastries and Confectionery: Level 1 by The Classroom by la folie
World Gastronomic Desserts: Level 1 Course by Chef Sanjana and her assistant chefs.
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