List of available HACCP Courses in Johannesburg, South Africa. The HACCP courses in Johannesburg are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all HACCP Courses from all over South Africa.
This module presents a systems approach to food safety that answers public health concerns, reduces sanitation risks, and ensures satisfaction for food establishment guests, staff members, and owners.
HACCP course is offered by SHEilds ZA. Determine control points and avoid cross contamination along with control measures and how to address a critical limit breach.
This course is useful and designed as an introduction for anyone involved in the food industry. It is to cater for all levels in the organization, from Senior Management and Business Owners or Supervisors to shop-floor food handlers.
Basic HACCP for Fishing Companies Course is Offered by Entecom Food Safety Pretoria.
The purpose of this course is to provide you with the knowledge and skill needed to apply the requirements of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Management Systems, the infrastructure needed to implement it and the HACCP auditing and certification process.
The purpose of this intensive course is to equip the PCO with the basic concepts of HACCP and PRP(Pre Requisite Programs) and to demonstrate practically how to approach a facility to work out a “Food Safety”.
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