List of available Health and Safety Courses in Nelspruit, South Africa. The Health and Safety courses in Nelspruit are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Health and Safety Courses from all over South Africa.
Basic fire fighting training is offered by Dei Gratia Academy.
The NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management (EC) is a recognised environmental qualification worldwide, which focuses on environmental management systems (ISO 14001), impact assessments, energy efficiency, pollution and environmental emergencies.
Basic HACCP for Fishing Companies Course is Offered by Entecom Food Safety Pretoria.
Basic Rigging Training Course is offered by Krutech Risk Management Solutions.
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment course is offered by Frontline Shq Solutions.
Investigating workplace incident or accident can be more complex than it seems. It requires a knowledge of unit standards, the Act, the various Annexures associated with an investigation, fact gathering, incident analysis, investigation protocols and more.???????
Rigging and Slinging course is offered by linem Training Centre for all skill levels. We provide practical, quality training for earth moving machinery, practical courses, health and safety courses and computers skills.
Advanced Rigging and Slinging Training Course is offered by Hasmud Training Insitute.
Drill Rig Training Course is offered by United Driving School and Training Centre for all skill level.
Rigging Rigger Operator Training is offered by Laeveld Legislative Training for all skill level.
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