List of available Health and Safety Courses in Raleigh, USA.

The Health and Safety courses in Raleigh are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Fess Fire Protection, Raleigh
  2. Strategic Tactics Of Protection LLC, Raleigh
  3. Pistol Safety Academy, Raleigh
  4. TriggerAction Firearms Training, Raleigh
  5. Adkins Conceal Carry Training, Raleigh
  6. Every Day Ready LLC, Raleigh
  7. Safety and Health Council of North Carolina, Raleigh
  8. Carolina Equipment Training, Raleigh
  9. Paragon Safety Group, Raleigh
  10. CPR Educators, Raleigh

Also, check out all Health and Safety Courses from all over USA.

146 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Raleigh, USA

Fess Fire Protection Logo

Fire Extinguisher Training

At FESS Fires Protection, we offer various fire safety and equipment training class options for employers, employees, and fire safety professionals.

Cheapest by Fess Fire Protection [ Claim Listing ]
Strategic Tactics Of Protection LLC Logo

Concealed Carry Handgun Certification Class

The concealed handgun certification class is a course which is required to obtain a permit to carry a concealed handgun.  The North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission requires that the class be a minimum of Eight (8) hours plus Handgun Qualification.

by Strategic Tactics Of Protection LLC [ Claim Listing ]
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Pistol Safety Academy Logo

NC Concealed Carry

This is the NC Department of Justice approved NC Concealed Carry class required to obtain an NC Conceal Carry Permit. Also required to be a US citizen , Naturalized , or a Permanent Life Time Visa.

by Pistol Safety Academy [ Claim Listing ]
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TriggerAction Firearms Training Logo

Firearms Training

Firearms Training is offered by TriggerAction Firearms Training. While the courses we teach will provide you with the safety and fundamentals needed to operate a firearm, they are for many just a first step.

Cheapest by TriggerAction Firearms Training [ Claim Listing ]
Adkins Conceal Carry Training Logo

Firearms Safety

The course includes classroom instruction on handgun safety and operation, concealed carry techniques and the current NC laws on the use of deadly force.  At the end of the course there is a shooting exercise at targets placed at 3, 5 and 7 yards from the shooter and requires 30 rounds of ammun...

Cheapest by Adkins Conceal Carry Training [ Claim Listing ]
Every Day Ready LLC Logo

Firearms Training

Every Day Ready has a reputation as the “Best Kept Secret” for firearms training in the Triangle Area! We are proud to offer a variety of training options for handgun, carbine rifle, and high speed tactical courses.

Cheapest by Every Day Ready LLC [ Claim Listing ]
Safety and Health Council of North Carolina Logo

Defensive Driving Course

This course offers an opportunity for drivers to receive a PJC eligible for traffic infractions like speeding and red-light violations. Students learn essential defensive driving techniques that can reduce collision-related costs, injuries, and fatalities.

by Safety and Health Council of North Carolina [ Claim Listing ]
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Carolina Equipment Training Logo

Forklift Course

In this 1-day course you will learn to safely operate and maintain a forklift. You will graduate this course fully informed and trained to immediately enter the workforce as a forklift operator.

by Carolina Equipment Training [ Claim Listing ]
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Paragon Safety Group Logo

Confined Space Safety Training

Entering and working in confined spaces is a high-risk job. Fatal injuries in confined spaces average 92 per year – that’s almost two each week. Paragon Safety Group offers Confined Space Safety training to teach construction workers involved in confined space entry.

Cheapest by Paragon Safety Group [ Claim Listing ]
CPR Educators Logo

Fire Extinguisher Training

OSHA regulations require employers to provide an educational program to ensure that employees are familiar with using a fire extinguisher to effectively and safely put out small or incipient-stage fires.

Cheapest by CPR Educators [ Claim Listing ]
Showing Courses 1 - 10

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