List of available Food Safety Courses in Winnipeg, Canada. The Food Safety courses in Winnipeg are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Food Safety Courses from all over Canada.
All food handling establishments with five or fewer employees are required to have at least one staff person who has successfully completed the Certified Food Handler Training course.
Food Handler Certification Exam course is offered by Food Safe Manitoba.
The course covers important food safety and worker safety information including foodborne illness, receiving and storing food, preparing food, serving food, cleaning and sanitizing. The course meets the requirement of the Manitoba Health Food Handler Requirements.
Winnipeg First Aid offers food handling certification courses to individuals that work with manufacturing, preparing, storing, and shipping foods. This online course meets section 5 of the foodservice establishment by-law of the City of Winnipeg.
This course includes instruction, practice tests, and final exams for the Manitoba Health Certified Food Handler Training Program.
MTEC is an authorized contractor to deliver Manitoba Health's approved Food Handlers Certification Program, as well to administer and score the exams.
Course certifies trainees with a Basic Food Safety Certificate which permits them to handle food in a service environment.
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