List of available Healthcare and Medical Courses in Charlotte NC, USA. The Healthcare and Medical courses in Charlotte NC are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Healthcare and Medical Courses from all over USA.
 A sterile device processing technician is assigned duties performing decontamination, preparation, sterilization and distribution of surgical instruments and medical equipment throughout the surgery center, utilizing infection control and safety practices during all phases of the process.
First Aid training is offered by Sisco Safety for all skill level. We provide life safety services, products and training to companies.
In the dental assisting profession, your attention to detail is a very important skill to ensure that patients receive the proper care that they deserve.
Students learn specialized Ayurvedic techniques to purify, balance and renew the body. Hands-on clinical experience includes massage techniques, business development, wellness and retail knowledge.
This comprehensive course meets OSHA First Aid Standard 29 CFR 1910.151 for emergency care in the workplace and follows the latest CPR and ECC guidelines. During the course you learn how to effectively teach others how to recognize an emergency, act appropriately, and sustain life until professiona...
All of our CPR and First Aid courses meet OSHA requirements for CPR/ First Aid/ Bloodborne Pathogens Training and may be taught as a traditional classroom course, or a blended learning course with a combination of online time and in-person practice skills sessions.
An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) is a test that checks for problems with the electrical activity of your heart. The course is designed to give the student an understanding of basic anatomy of the heart as well as the basic functions. Through the 60 hours, 4 weeks course, you will be able to effect...
The field of cardiology is a challenging, high-demand career field where technicians have the opportunity to work with patients and medical teams to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions.
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