List of available Pickling Classes in Toronto, Canada. The Pickling courses in Toronto are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Pickling Classes from all over Canada.
In this hands-on workshop we will cover all of your pickle and fermentation questions while we prepare your own custom salt-brined pickles to ferment at home.
Learn to steri l ize and seal jars & the basics of jarring & pickl ing, Learn to make your own: Passata (tomato sauce base), Seasonal Jam, Pickles & Pickled Beets. Take your jarred goods home with you to store and enjoy!
In this hands-on event, we will be canning salsa to enjoy all year round. Tips and techniques from expert canners will make the evening of preserving a zesty fiesta.
This workshop is intended to teach guests how to preserve their fruits and vegetables while they are in their prime season.
I will be teaching classes on how to make jam (including low sugar jams), pickle, preserve fruit, make salsa, etc.
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