List of all the courses offered by Cooler Insights.

Cooler Insights offers a total of 4 courses.

4 course(s) offered by 1 institutes

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Digital Marketing

Sign up for our training courses, hire us to run an inhouse course, or engage us as a coach for your team! To compete in the always-on digital age, you need to keep abreast of the latest developments in the digital world. 

by Cooler Insights [ Claim Listing ]
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Marketing Coach

Beyond workshops, we also offer one-to-one coaching and mentoring services for content marketing, public relations, and personal brand development. Suitable for entrepreneurs and business leaders who are seeking to establish greater social influence in their communities

by Cooler Insights [ Claim Listing ]
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Social Media Marketing Course

This fun yet intensive and interactive 2-day Social Media Marketing workshop will equip you with the frameworks, concepts and tools needed to succeed in social media.

by Cooler Insights [ Claim Listing ]
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Effective Storytelling Techniques for Social Media Masterclass

Effective Storytelling Techniques for Social Media Masterclass is offered by Cooler Insights. Wish to learn essential skills and best practices in

by Cooler Insights [ Claim Listing ]
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