List of available Hospital Management Courses in Nagpur, India.

The Hospital Management courses in Nagpur are provided by the following institutes:

  1. IMSR Nagpur, Nagpur
  2. Indian Paramedical Institute, Nagpur
  3. Heal 365, Nagpur

Also, check out all Hospital Management Courses from all over India.

3 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Nagpur, India

IMSR Nagpur Logo

Hospital Admionistration

During this course, a student learns to supervise employees, laws which ensure healthcare regulations, account handling, system management and identify the new trends in healthcare to bring them into operational activities.

Cheapest by IMSR Nagpur [ Claim Listing ]
Indian Paramedical Institute Logo

Hospital Management

Indian Paramedical Institute (IPI) offers a variety of professional paramedical and health courses to create a cadre of manpower at primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare levels.

Cheapest by Indian Paramedical Institute [ Claim Listing ]
Heal 365 Logo

Hospital Administration Course

Hospital Administration refers to the management of hospitals and other healthcare organizations, including clinics, medical centers, and nursing homes.

Cheapest by Heal 365 [ Claim Listing ]
Showing Courses 1 - 3

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