List of available Italian Cooking Classes in Auckland, New Zealand.
The Italian Cooking courses in Auckland are provided by the following institutes:
Also, check out all Italian Cooking Classes from all over New Zealand.
Discover how simple it is to make and cook your own fresh pasta in this hands-on weekend course. Learn the techniques of making pasta dough, rolling it out, cutting into fettuccine or filling and shaping into ravioli or tortellini, before using in a variety of dishes.
A fantastic menu for the evening has been set. If you are a lover of all things Italian then this is THE class for you. A great idea for a date or to share with a mate! Antipasti, pasta making or risotto or gnocchi, Dolce, it's all here, in one night of fun, cooking and romance. Don't miss it!
We spend the day celebrating Italian cuisine and culture. In particular, we will explore the flavours of Modena. Firstly you will be welcomed with typical Italian ‘stuzzichini’ and either a Moka coffee (a true Italian coffee), juice, or a glass of bubbles.
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